White noise is basically a type of noise that is developed by combining the sounds of different frequencies. If you were to take all the imaginable sounds that a human can hear and mix them together, then you would have created white noise. The term white is used in defining this sound because white light is created by the combination of all of the different colors.
Studies have showed that white noise is effective for many different situations and because of this, white noise machines were invented and found to be a marketable solution for many of life's displeasures. They aid in distracting the mind from annoying situations or creating a calming effect on ones' body or mind. These sound machines create a consistent stream of white noise which can be controlled by a series of buttons or knobs.
Some of these machines are equipped with different types of white noise so an individual can adapt the machine to their individual needs. These machines can be used in a variety of situations such as masking the sounds of traffic, barking dogs, or disruptive neighbors. They have also been proven to work well with colicky babies. They also can be used to mask your own conversations so you can communicate privately.
These machines aren't limited to home use. They work effectively in an office or dorm. They enhance concentration which will greatly improve study skills and aid office personnel in being able to focus on their individual task without disturbance. White noise machines are also adapted to situations of dead silence. Many people are uncomfortable when no noise is evident. These machines can often play sounds that are soothing such as those found on relaxation tapes or disks.
Even in the virtual world outside sources cause distractions from what you're attempting to accomplish at the computer. For this reason, you can get a white noise player for your computer. This player allows you to play any WAV file in a continuous loop from your system tray. There is certainly no difficulty in finding a wide variety of suitable sounds to accommodate your player but if you want a unique appeal, you can create your own sound files by using a sound generator or audio toolbox.
The world isn't composed of serenity in our day to day lives. For many of us it can seem overwhelming, creating tenseness within us that only appears to fester the wound. White noise gives us the opportunity to provide the healing our body needs and take advantage of precious moments of sleep.
Sleep like a baby with Marpac White Noise Sleep Sound Machines from http://www.soundmachinesdirect.com/
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/health-articles/white-noise-and-a-good-nights-sleep-194517.html
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